Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snowman, Santa Claus and Polar Bear...

A little before Christmas, Miranda did a little painting. I adore the fact that my darlings take advantage of the material available at home. For me, having stuff to do arts and crafts, to paint, to sew, to draw is essential. So we have interesting stocks scattered all over the house. There's a lot of stuff in the index cards desk saved from trash by a good man (ours, of course!). We have a complete wardrobe filled with pearls, boxes, sturdy cardboard, canvas, gouache, brushes, fancy scissors, markers, pebbles, shells. In the basement we also have boxes of wrapping paper (very useful for crafts), ribbons (new, leftovers, recycled pieces -hurray for 2nd lives!). I have loads of fabrics (a full dresser), papers (an indecent quantity, I swear), acrylic paints, glues of many types (a full basket). I didn't mention yarns, stickers and scrapbooking, stamps, embossing, calligraphy material. For a fraction of a second, I'm ashamed of myself. Pssshttt, it's gone, already. Guilty doesn't stick probably because «it's our hobby», it allows us to create, to invent, to please, to learn more about ourselves, to put a little beauty here, there, and there too. Anyway, if I have to cut on something, I'd rather wear the same clothes for a couple of seasons and put my creativity at full throttle. It's a choice. I can deal with it. Easily...

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