Should you ask for anything in return? Nope, not a good idea... If chores -whatever they are- become paid jobs, you're stuck in the wrong paradigm, no one will get out of it a winner. Pocket money is a way to learn, not a salary. Of course, if there's a major situation it can be used as punishment (we're talking something exceptional) because it still is a privilege. And privileges can be lost. Avoid blackmail though, it won't serve your goal (I don't mind, I'd rather have you keep my allowance and you end up playing a very dull game).
How much? It depends on different factors: age, needs and available resources. A few years ago I received a substantial raise, my daughters received a raise as well, it was a celebration for everyone! The important thing is to evaluate and discuss this aspect with your children.
How often? If you want your children to learn to work on a budget (yes, yes, it's possible!) or plan to buy more expensive items it has to be done on a regular basis. Personally, I give it to my children the same day I receive my pay check. So every 2 weeks, on Thursday, it's allowance time. And I'm dealing with it. It's not the children who have to come see me and ask for their allowance. I am their model of reliability and it's so important...
Can children learn to buy smartly? Of course! With their money, my daughters take the time to analyze their needs (do I want it or do I need it?), check prices and quality. In fact to make pocket money a satisfying and rich experience, you need to talk with your children. You must explain taxes, hidden fees, marketing techniques -that are very aggressive- and encourage them to save (open a bank account with and for them, make sure they have their own ATM card, hey, we're in 2007!). My next experience with my daughters: manage money over the Internet and in a few years, credit cards. My my, still lots to do. Well, that's life, right?
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