Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rainbow Cake

Photo found in this blog

You know how much I love colors. Well when I found this picture this morning it made me even happier than I already was when I woke up. It tells you how much I've suceeded in staying calm in these stressful moments. Pressure is down, I'm breathing and breathing, I enjoyed wonderful moments and I even did a few unexpected things. I am proud of myself.

It is sunny, someone baked a rainbow cake, I'm listening to Mrs. Darcy (from my favorite film: Pride and Prejudice), all is quiet in here, I will be meeting passionate people tomorrow, I have new dreams. Life is, indeed, beautiful...


Theresa said...


likeschocolate said...

I baked this cake last year for St. Patrick day. However, I divided the batter and then just made two layers by adding portions of each batter. Check out my March post on this . So fun!

Dominique said...

@ Theresa: I HAVE to do one now;-)
@ likeschocolate: great cake!