Thursday, January 8, 2009


There's a program here in Quebec called the 5/30 challenge. For six weeks, at least five days a week, you eat a minimum of 5 fruits/vegetables and do 30 minutes of exercise. I've decided to do it, but not only for a couple weeks. I really want to do it. I'm doing it. Up to now it's way easier than I thought.

With the snow on the sidewalks and all, it is not really possible for me to do my power walk (which I loved doing in the fall), so I switched to yoga. As soon as I wake up I put on my little yoga kit and I stretch, I breathe. It feels good and I've realized I'm already more relaxed. I thought it'd be difficult to do yoga on my own, but I'm quite motivated and I found a good moment to do it. I found my yoga sheets from the time I did yoga with Isabelle et Daniel. Great memories.

As for the fruits and vegetables, since I love them (especially the veggies), that's fine. I have discovered the great taste of squashes and I'm hooked. I love the spaghetti squash (so easy to prepare, an hour in the oven at 350 and it's ready! And delicious...). There's also the butternut squash which makes a fine soup
with carrots, an onion, sweet potatoes if you have any, a little chicken broth and spices (thyme, cayenne pepper), so tasty.

Feeling like doing the 5/30 challenge too?


Ani said...

if i could find 30 minutes in a day to exercise, i'd be there! oh well, maybe in a few years i'll actually have time to take care of me too. :)

Dominique said...

Hi Ani,

I understand how difficult it is with all you have to do, been there, done that...

Anyway, it's a thing you do when you're ready. I guess I am!