Saturday, May 12, 2007


Last Saturday, without any warning, Miranda has decided to sew. No pattern, of course, pure creativity, right? I'm still astonished to see my daughters sewing. We must admit it's not the most "popular" teen activity. But come on, sewing is really extraordinary. You start with pieces of fabric that seem inert and then you create that useful or decorative object. It's a little like starting with pieces of wood to build a piece of furniture.

I enjoy working with my sewing machine and there again I'm surprised by the easiness my daughter has taming the beast. Not that it is tough to work with it, but when it goes beep-beep, it's not the best moment and it could be discouraging. Well, at home we have the privilege to have a sewing machines specialist: Claude! One day I'll list all the jobs he had done in his life, you won't believe it. Sewing machines have no secrets to him. He was born amongst them.

Sewing has always been a fun thing to do and I can see that my girls have sensed that and know how great sewing is. It's useful of course, but when we enjoy what we do, we don't really care about the fact that it's handy, it's just fun...!

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